Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The USPS, Anatomy, and Me


This project began as a correspondence between pen pals. I became interested in the roots of communication, namely, the cause and effect created by the presentation of information.  It was a back and forth of snail mail between two strangers that would lead to the eventual engagement of life-long lovers, but what was it in the letters that would lead to this growth? What combination of parts of speech made physical bodies move closer to one another? What fantastic illustrations did language create to pull on the heart strings? Starting with the original letters as artifact of this cause and effect of communication, I look to find translation through different forms of visual mapping to help me better understand this real time phenomenon.  Using the photographic medium as my control, I lean on photography and its relationship with truth, to get me closer to comprehending the momentum and the potential in the inertia of subjects both animate and inanimate. We are all barreling forward towards both the known and the unknown (sometimes it is called fate); I am interested in seeing the unseen that gets us there. 

(This is a works in progress...)

parts of speech, 1.


Monday, November 14, 2011


Horizon Line

Family Portrait with Candy Dish

Above Ground Pool

He traveled with his men through Iraq, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt.
He was rewarded with bottles of beer and cigarettes.
He never dropped a single box of ammunition.
He retired to Edinburg, where he frequented network TV via the BBC.

VOYTEK: Family & Folklore
...work in progress...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tonight in Philadelphia! Daniel Klaas Beckwith @ Napoleon

An exhibition of sculptures
from Richmond, Virginia from Daniel Klaas Beckwith

infinite fadeaway: Invisible objects where Heisenberg's uncertainty holds; and things may not be viewed and named simultaneously. The continuation of understandings or curiosities, taken as a halo to be worn out.

Knowledge is entertainment alone, and honesty is all that exists.

infinite fadeaway
sculptures by Daniel Klaas Beckwith
319 N. 11th Street
Philadelphia, PA

Opening (tonight!): FIRST FRIDAY, August 5th, 6pm-sleepy time

Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays, 2:00pm - 6:00pm
and by appointment.

Show runs until August 31st.

See more of Daniel Klaas Beckwith's work, here.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Future of Love (Artist's Book)

The Future of Love
(-or- The Story of Cap't Capianna)

2011, 5"x8", soft cover, 19 pages.
On a crisp clear
afternoon in
early September

Cap't Capianna
mountain civilization
at last

But decided it best
to instead circumvent
for paradise

See all of the images, and the rest of the text, here.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

BURNER 04: The Revolutionaries Issue

June 2011

Check out my work in Burner Magazine!

Burner Magazine, a digital pop art magazine, coming to us from   Toronto, Canada, "aims to take the boring out of the literary and arts scenes, bringing together original and edgy artists of all shapes and sizes. It promises to get your blood pumping, heart racing, and to induce literary and visual crushes. The Burner contributor is a muse and amusing, compelling and never complacent. Burner is about science, art, truth, conspiracies, naturalism, cyborgs, music, beauty, sex and everything in between."

Sounds good to me!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Check it: Viewpoints


Studio Mountclair's 14th Annual Juried Show
Juror: Rocío Aranda-Alvarado
 Associate Curator of Special Projects, El Museo del Barrio, NYC.
June 1 to June 25
Opening Reception: Thursday, June 9, 6 pm to 9pm

Aljira, a Center for Contemporary Art
591 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102

Wednesday – Friday 12 pm – 6 pm
Saturday 11am – 4 pm

Check it Jersey, you have a fine art show in town. (My work included.)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Are you in Minneaoplis? Or Columbia, MO?

Will you be in Minneapolis?  Go visit a piece of mine at the Mpls Photo Center, in their current exhibition "Woman As Photographer"!  The show opens Friday, March 11th, and runs trhough April 17th!

Or are you in Columbia, MO?  Catch it while its still up! Running until March 4th: Columbia College's yearly exhibition "Paper In Particular".  "oakland" was selected from my series "we are xHEREx".